Rapid screenshots in Windows & Linux

Both at work and at home I am heavily using screenshot tools to document findings and highlight meeting content. This short post documents how to assign shortcuts in both windows and Linux for e.g. rapid-fire screenshot taking. Both solutions can also be used for other shortcuts.

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Singleton design pattern

I recently needed to limit the number of instances of particular classes to 1 - the singleton design pattern seemed an obvious choice, but in Python the implementation of the Singleton proved to be harder to implement correctly when involving pyqtSignals.

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Memory layout in Python

I recently finished up a challenge from pwn.college where I needed to pass the address of a python bytestring (user space) to a Linux kernel module. For a mysterious reason the contained bytes started at a 32 bit offset - this post explores the reason for this offset in byte strings and to such end also discusses other common data types such as int, lists, strings and arrays.

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Two Netgear switches trunked together

After obtaining my CCNA some months back it was great to put it to use and set-up a small network. The network consisted of two switches, two VLANs and a connecting trunk link.

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